Many people act as if conflict is inherently problematic...

Chapter 09
Domain Three
I begin with a story about the battles between my greatest academic adversary and myself, which were relatively fruitless until a crisis hurled us onto a healthy path.
A treatise on conflict contained in one of the Hindu wisdom literatures offers a refreshing approach to conflict. I will use this story to reframe the value of conflict.
  • Conflicts assist the functionality of the abundance fulcrum.
  • Conflicts with others arise out of our own internal clashes.
  • Our biggest conflict is how to live with our own inner contradictions.
  • Accepting our inner conflicts creates a sense of belonging.
  • When we otherize others, we are also otherizing ourselves.
  • Ceasing to otherize self and others lessens we-they-ness.
  • Splintering and adhering animates the Yin-Yang regulators.
  • Centripetal and centrifugal forces help sustain abundance.
  • Yin-yang dynamics give either-or logics a both-and form.
  • Abundance is the unification of the discordant.
Many people act as if conflict is inherently problematic. In our determination to avoid conflict, it is easy to blame others for any cacophony and fail to recognize the constructive energies that might exist.

Conflict as an Electrifying Energy

Drawing parallels between the phenomena of electricity and conflict to help us identify the underlying potential of conflicts.

Otherizing the Self

Exploring the dynamics of otherization within a conflict & the tensions in trying to hold two polarities together.