Generosity is a vast indescribable sensation that enters our beings via those elegant gateways, trust, faith, and belief

Chapter 05
Domain Two
The letter sent shivers down my spine. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS, now known as Homeland Security) was informing me I was to be deported. I had no idea why...
The chapter ends with an exhortation to readers from India and China. The Indian concepts of karma and dharma are used as a bridge between generosity and abundance and between the two philosophies, Hinduism and Taoism that have long grounded the peoples of these nations.
  • Like a river, generosity flows without becoming depleted.
  • Our very existence is dependent on the generosity of others.
  • Kindness is present even in seemingly heartless systems.
  • Generosity-filled safe havens exist in unexpected places.
  • Our brokenness is tiny beside all that functions well.
  • We are all constantly deporting or importing others from or into our emotional worlds.
  • We always have a choice to be generous or mean-spirited.
  • Learning how to love those we dislike is our emotional Mt.Everest.
  • Generosity builds a psychological sense of abundance.
  • Karma and dharma link generosity and abundance.
Encountering the INS was painful. Yet throughout, I experienced the kindness of strangers who helped me, not because of who I was, but because of who they were. Their spirits were stronger than the strictures prescribed by the regulations they had to implement!

The Dynamics of Deporting

Even in the midst of derailed human systems there are self-correcting forces.

Learning to Love What We Do Not Like 01

We are constantly deporting & being deported out of various human systems.

Learning to Love What We Do Not Like 02

Unpacking the impact of the 2016 US Presidential Election